Theater Thursday - Snapshots

What: Snapshots

Where: Streaming at

Who: Tweens and Up

When: Through February 28, 2021

Snapshots is a show made up of songs from different Stephen Schwartz shows (and one of his films). However, it is not just a musical revue. It is a completely unique and original show and not just because it actually involves a story with a plot. There have been shows before that took songs from different musicals and combined them into a new show including Holiday Inn and Crazy For You. However, this show puts a completely new and delightful spin on the genre. It doesn't just throw these existing songs into a new plot. In some cases new words have been created for some of the songs to fit the plot. In other cases, songs from different shows have been combined into medleys or mashups. There are even some songs which are arranged in a different way than they were in their original musical. It all works beautifully and sounds terrific.

The story which revolves around a couple reminiscing about their lives together is actually interesting too and doesn't feel like a show that was only thrown together to give new life to Stephen Schwartz songs. Many of the songs didn't necessarily need new lives anyway as they come from his most popular shows including Wicked, Pippin, and Godspell. Songs from some of his less popular shows, such as Personals, Working, and The Baker's Wife are included here as well. There is even a song from the movie, Enchanted. In these unprecedented times when so many of the shows that are available for viewing in any form are either retreads of shows past or shows that are still in workshop form, Snapshots is a breath of fresh air.

And that's our view. For more information about Snapshots or to purchase a ticket to stream it, visit

Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.


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