Education Policies
Please read these participation agreements carefully. By engaging in an A.C.T. of CT education program, you will be entering into a legal contract containing a code of conduct, photo release, release and waiver of liability, assumption of risk, indemnification and medical emergency permission, and it affects any rights you may have if you or your child are injured or otherwise suffer damages while participating in an A.C.T. of CT education program.
Participation Agreement
By signing the A.C.T. of CT Participation Agreement, you agree to the following:
I (and/or my minor child/children) volunteer willingly to participate in the A.C.T. of CT education program.
I (and/or my minor child/children) will only participate in activities that safely meet skill and ability levels.
I understand that a staff member/A.C.T. of CT representative will attempt to contact the parent, guardian, or emergency contact in case of illness or injury. I authorize these representatives to contact paramedics and/or take me/my child to a hospital and be given treatment by paramedics and hospital staff as necessary.
I understand that ACT of CT reserves the right to require that I (or my child/children) withdraw at any time when in their sole judgment, it is not physically safe to continue participating.
I (and/or my minor child/children) are in good health and will inform A.C.T. of CT of any health issues that may be of concern during the duration of this program (to be specified further in separate medical section).
I (and/or my minor child/children) will abide by all A.C.T. of CT rules and regulations, including the A.C.T. of CT Code of Conduct (see below).
Code of Conduct
I hereby and understand and agree to the following Code of Conduct:
A.C.T. of CT is committed to providing the best possible environment for maximum development and goal achievement for all students. Our practice is to treat each student as an individual. We seek to develop a spirit of teamwork; individuals working together to attain a common goal. In order to maintain an atmosphere where these goals can be accomplished, we provide a comfortable and progressive workspace. Most importantly, we have a workspace where communication is open and problems can be discussed and resolved in a mutually respectful atmosphere. We take into account individual circumstances and the individual. We firmly believe that with direct communication, we can continue to resolve any difficulties that may arise and develop a mutually beneficial relationship.
Students are encouraged to bring any concerns or problems they might have or know about to their supervisor or some other member of management. Each student has an obligation to observe and follow A.C.T. of CT's policies and to maintain proper standards of conduct at all times.
If an individual's behavior interferes with the orderly and efficient operation of rehearsals or performances, corrective disciplinary measures may be taken, including but not limited to a verbal warning, written warning, and/or discharge.
The following may result in disciplinary action: violation of the A.C.T. of CT's policies or safety rules; insubordination; theft or dishonesty; physical harassment; sexual harassment; or disrespect toward fellow students, staff, or visitors.
Image/Voice/Photo/Video Release
Photographs or video/audio recordings may be taken of your child/children. Unless you request otherwise, this Participation Agreement will be considered permission for A.C.T. of Connecticut and/or it’s employees, agents, affiliates, sponsors or other representatives, to photograph, film, audio/video tape, record and/or televise your image and/or voice or the image and/or voice of your child/children. Any such images, videos or recordings, whether new or archived, may be used in any publications or promotional materials, in any medium now known or developed in the future without any restrictions.
The actual material involved is, and shall continue to be the property of A.C.T. of CT and neither I, nor my child/children, shall have any right of review or approval regarding the use of my or my child/children’s name, image or voice in such material. I hereby release and hold harmless, A.C.T. of CT along with their respective employees, agents, affiliates, sponsors, or other representatives from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action arising out of the use of my child/children’s name, image or voice, in accordance with the terms of this release. I understand and agree that neither I, nor my child, will be compensated in any way for the use of my child’s name, image or voice by A.C.T. of CT.
If you object to using your name, image or voice or your child’s/children’s name, image or voice in this manner, please notify the Education Coordinator and/or the Director of Education in writing, upon submission of this Agreement.
I hereby consent to the publication and use of my (or my child's) name and/or likeness (i.e.: from performance, rehearsals and/or other Conservatory activities) ("Likeness") for the purpose of promotion, publicity, advertising, or other media (including recording applications or platforms) by A.C.T. of CT, or any other representative authorized to act on behalf of the afore-mentioned entity. Likeness shall include, but not limited to, photographs, sound and/or video recordings, films, broadcasts, brochures, publications, reports, web pages, promotional materials or any other audio-visual, electronic, printed, tangible work in any media or format, now known or hereafter to become known, and/or reproductions of any of these.
I agree that the actual material involved is and shall continue to be the property of A.C.T. of CT and that neither I, nor my child, shall have any right of review or approval regarding the use of my child's name and/or Likeness in such material. I hereby release and hold harmless, A.C.T. of CT along with their respective employees, agents, affiliates, sponsors, or other representatives from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action arising out of the use of my child's name and/or Likeness, in accordance with the terms of this release.
I understand and agree that neither I, nor my child, will be compensated in any way for the use of my child's name and/or Likeness by A.C.T. of CT.
Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnification:
I understand that there are inherent dangers associated with any youth program, including personal injury. I assume full responsibility for any risk of loss, property damage, or personal injury that may be sustained by me or my child/children, or any loss or damage to property owned by me or my child/children as a result of participation in the A.C.T. of CT education program.
I understand that, as is inherent in any theatrical learning or rehearsing environment, there may be limited, incidental and insignificant physical contact between youth actors and/or staff.
I hereby RELEASE FROM LIABILITY, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE A.C.T. of CT, Inc. and any of the officers, servants, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and employees of the above-mentioned entities (hereinafter referred to as RELEASEES) for any liability, claim and/or cause of action arising out of or related to any loss, damage or injury, including death, that occurs as a result of participation in the specified activities.
I also ASSUME THE RISKS of my participation and my child’s/children’s participation in the specified activities and agree to not hold the RELEASEES responsible for any loss, damage or injury, including death that occurs as a result of participation in the specified activities.
I further agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the RELEASEES whether injury is caused by my or my child’s/children’s negligence, the negligence of the RELEASEES or the negligence of any third party.
I further agree that this PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT shall bind the members of my family and spouse, if I am alive, and my heirs, assigns and personal representatives, if I am deceased, and shall be deemed as a RELEASE, WAIVER, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE the above-named RELEASEES. I hereby further agree that this PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Connecticut.
By signing this PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT, I state that I have read, understand, and agree to the conditions set forth herein and that I sign this form freely and voluntarily.
Medical Disclosure
Students with any serious allergies or other medical conditions requiring the administration of medications and/or accommodations while at A.C.T. of CT will need to provide the following details:
Any allergies and required medications (food allergies, EpiPen, etc.)
Special physical accommodations
Special learning accommodations
Audition Requirements
Some programs require auditions, which are reviewed on a rolling basis (within two weeks of submission). If you’re accepted, you will receive an email with additional registration and tuition payment information. Specific casting will be announced no later than one week before the start of the program.
Guardian Authorization
My child has permission to engage in this program and I am aware of, and accept, any and all risks inherent in this program or production. By checking the box and signing my name during registration (for all purposes herein, an electronic signature shall be deemed the same as an original signature), I understand that this constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above terms of the Participation Agreement. Signature of the form serves as parental permission for any minor child (under age 18) who will participate.
Student Attendance & Professionalism
I understand that I am expected to attend all sessions of the program, including any special A.C.T. performances or events. By checking the box and signing my name during registration (for all purposes herein, an electronic signature shall be deemed the same as an original signature), I acknowledge and agree to the above terms of the Participation Agreement.
Youth actors should arrive 15 min prior to start-time each day so that they can be ready to start rehearsal or classes. In setting this expectation, A.C.T. is CT is trying to teach and adhere to professional standards.
Youth actors must understand the casting process and must commit to accept their assigned roles. All youth actors will be significantly incorporated into these performances; there are no “bad” roles in these shows.
Though phones are allowed as recording devices for music learning, most rehearsals and classes should be a phone/social media-free zone.
Times will be designated for pictures with cast, social media postings, etc.
Youth actors will supply their own basic costumes (with specialty accessories provided by A.C.T. of CT).
When a program ends performance opportunties, each family will be given the opportunities to reserve complimentary tickets ahead of the performance. All tickets will be general admission.
Because of the limited number of hours that youth actors will have to rehearse their show, we ask that youth actors and families make every possible effort for youth actors to attend every day (scheduling appointments, visits, etc. during non-program hours.) Frequent absences will affect not only that one youth actor, but the entire cast, so as a courtesy to all, we hope that you can make best-efforts with regard to attendance.