Caren Cole
Piano Teacher
Caren Cole brings a wealth of experience to her teaching practice. A graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto, where she began classical music studies at age 4, Ms. Cole went on to York University to pursue a degree in child psychology only to switch her program to music and finish her degree as a jazz major.
After years of performance, composing, conducting and music directing both on and off Broadway, as well as on tour, Ms. Cole left NYC and settled in Ridgefield CT. Never losing her deep interest in nurturing creativity and self-esteem in children through the study of music, she has a thriving teaching practice which includes supporting classical students through the Royal Conservatory Program, encouraging young composers, singers and songwriters, introducing jazz concepts to interested students and guiding young students and adults alike along the path of piano studies.
Influenced by the teachings of Maria Montessori and Shinichi Suzuki, teaching is done with attention to and respect for each student’s individual pace and natural style of learning in a caring, loving and encouraging atmosphere.